Discovery helps Johnson County and Douglas County youth with criminal charges discover their personal work interests, set goals for what they want in life, and name the values that will help them attain these goals. Studies show vocational training and life skills development decreases recidivism rates.

This is a 5-week class with 10 classroom hours.

80% of teens who enroll in Discovery complete the program – 95% of students who complete Discovery attend a campus visit at a local community college or tech center.  

Educational Goals

Discovery helps students access additional education. Through a grant from the Kansas Department of Corrections and through Johnson County Corrections Juvenile Field Services, students can access funding to work toward a certificate in a skilled trade.

Career Pathways

Discovery aims to help youth ages 16-20 set career goals. Many young adults who are involved in the Criminal Justice System have not considered that they could have a stable, good paying career in a Skilled Trade. Through proven tools we help these students self assess their work interests and set a plan in place to move toward a career goal.

Discovery Lab

Discovery Labs are designed to provide youth with hands-on experiences in learning skilled trades. Labs run 5 weeks, one night a week. Each lab is facilitated by a Johnson County Community College instructor who is an expert in their field. The classes are designed to help students understand what learning a skilled trade will be like. Labs may include welding, automotive, culinary, construction, and basic electrical. By the end of the 5 nights, students will have a better understanding of what it would be like to pursue a certificate in a skilled trade.

Program Purpose

Discovery works with youth with criminal charges to help them discover their personal work interests, set goals for what they want in life, and name the values that will help them attain these goals. Young adults have few vocational skills and most have little or no job experience, making it even more difficult for them to find and retain jobs. Discovery gets them headed in the right direction toward education and employment.

Volunteers and Instructors

NCircle partners with the Department of Corrections and community volunteers to provide the Discovery Program. Volunteers teach the 5-week classes and volunteers can mentor a student transitioning into adulthood.

Referral Process

Students are referred to the program by their Intensive Supervision Officer or Court Services Officer. In Kansas, each student can apply for a grant through the Kansas Department of Corrections which they can use to pay for some of their coursework.