The Therapeutic Community is a 6-month residential substance abuse treatment program operated by Johnson Conty Corrections.  NCircle provides Essential Skills for Workplace Advancement as a part of every client’s preparation to reenter their community post treatment.  In addition, NCircle is invested in bringing clients an opportunity to develop positive outlets that include fine arts, creative writing and creative photography.  NCircle works with clients to set up professional emails, work on resumes, and access education and support prior to leaving their treatment. 

Some Programs Offered In Our Therapeutic Community Include:

Digital Literacy

Clients who are enrolled in College of Trades have the opportunity to earn up to 8 certifications recognized across the nation as Northstar Digital Literacy, through NCircle’s partnership with Goodwill MOKAN. Clients take proctored assessments to show proficiency in Basic computer, Internet Basics, Using Email, Social Media, Windows10, Microsoft Word Office 2016, Microsoft Excel Office 2016, Microsoft PowerPoint Office 2016.


Clients who take OSHA 10 training are prepared for working in an industrial or construction setting. This program promotes workplace safety for entry level workers. Many companies require this training in order to decrease workplace injury and insurance costs. This program is provided through Johnson County Community College (JCCC) and students receive OSHA 10 Certification.

KU Center For Digital Inclusion 


Non-Trade Training


Clients who enroll in Creative Photography learn the basics of handling a prosumer level DSLR camera and Photoshop editing software. Clients spend the majority of their class time outside capturing images, sharing those images in class and then editing the images. Two guided field trips are offered during class. Students are allowed to have one of their images printed and shown in a student show at graduation. The class is facilitated by professional photographers from the community.

Fine Arts

Clients in this 8-week course will cover both drawing and painting skills. A local artist, through NCircle’s partnership with Engage Church, will teach the basics of design and composition as well as different drawing techniques with graphite and colored pencils. The remainder of the class will focus on learning painting styles, skills and techniques using different mediums. Students will explore methods that help them to best express their emotions through the conscious application of layers and textures, resulting in complete works of art.

Creative Writing

Clients who enroll in Creative Writing are given an opportunity to explore and share their personal stories through the written word. Clients are led through an 8 week exploratory process, and are able to produce a short story or memoir for presentation at their graduation ceremony. The class is facilitated by a local author, through NCircle’s partnership with Johnson County Public Library.