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It seems like so long ago that our kids were in college.  I remember one semester our daughter was working and going to school and her shoes were in horrible condition.  We ended up buying her some new shoes.  A simple thing that just helped support her goal of getting her education.  Last week our welding students stood in the shop where they would be soon taking classes.  The instructor mentioned that they would all need to wear leather shoes to class, the nylon constructed shoes they were wearing would easily burn if they came in contact with the sparks from the welders.  Five of our students did not own good leather work shoes.  NCircle finds ways to support the educational goals of our students.  Even something simple as shoes can make a difference.  One of our students went back to the Residential Center after class and said they had no way to get shoes for class.  Imagine, trying to better yourself and a pair of leather shoes stands in the way.  Well, for a few hundred dollars NCircle helped our students overcome a barrier to successful completion of a welding certification.  Seems like every semester shoes are a challenge for our students.  Maybe you would like to join us in reducing a barrier!  For a single donation of $50 you can help make sure one student has shoes for school!  Go to to find out how!